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HRT For Women

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Because no two women are the same, better again is approached uniquely for each female client.

What is HRT For Women?

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is a tailored treatment designed to restore normal hormone levels in women experiencing hormonal imbalances. As women age, essential hormones in their bodies decrease, leading to various symptoms. HRT aims to rejuvenate these hormone levels, contributing significantly to overall well-being.

Important Hormones in Women

Female sex hormones are crucial for developing both a feminine and athletic physique. These hormones become active during puberty but start to decline around the age of 50 in women.


Estrogen is the most prominent sex hormone, playing a key role in distributing fat to the hips, thighs, and rear, while reducing fat in the abdominal area. Supplementing estrogen through HRT at the onset of menopause can help redistribute body fat to these areas.


Produced by the ovaries, adrenal glands, and placenta, progesterone is essential for regulating menstrual cycles and preparing the body for pregnancy. In the context of bodybuilding, it may also influence muscle mass and strength.


Though produced in much smaller amounts compared to men, testosterone is vital for women in developing lean muscle mass. Its levels decline after perimenopause/menopause, but administering it through HRT can aid in redistributing body fat.

How Does HRT Work?

Recent studies have shed light on how HRT functions. Here’s a summary:

Estrogen Replacement:

HRT administers safe synthetic estrogen to make up for the decrease due to aging, alleviating menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and mood swings. For women engaged in bodybuilding, estrogen helps in fat redistribution by favoring subcutaneous (under the skin) rather than visceral (around internal organs) fat storage, and promotes protein synthesis necessary for building lean muscles.

Progesterone/Progestin Addition:

This hormone is combined with estrogen therapy to prevent the uterine lining from excessive growth, applicable only to women who haven’t had a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus).

Addressing Low Levels of Testosterone:

Testosterone is key for muscle development and strength. Women undergoing testosterone therapy may notice an increase in lean muscle mass, improved muscle strength, and enhanced exercise performance.

How Would You Know If You Need HRT?

Determining whether you need HRT involves recognizing specific signs and symptoms, especially in the context of menopause or when aiming for a sculpted body.

For Menopausal Women:

Vaginal Dryness and Discomfort: Declining estrogen levels may lead to vaginal dryness, itching, and discomfort during sexual intercourse, increasing the risk of urinary tract infections.

Mood Changes: Hormone fluctuations can cause mood swings, anxiety, irritability, and sometimes depression.

Decreased Libido: Aging and diminishing hormone levels can also reduce sexual desire and arousal.

Hot Flashes and Night Sweats: These are sudden, intense feelings of heat, often accompanied by sweating, which can disrupt sleep and daily activities.

Bone Health Changes: Lower estrogen levels can weaken bones, heightening the risk of osteoporosis.

For Women Seeking Contoured Body Composition:

Difficulty Gaining Muscle: Despite various exercises, gaining lean muscle mass is challenging.

Low Energy Levels and Fatigue: Persistent fatigue or lack of energy can disrupt daily activities and work performance.

Changes in Body Fat Distribution: Losing abdominal fat becomes increasingly difficult, with noticeable changes in fat distribution affecting physical appearance.

Unexplained Weight Loss or Gain: Efforts to maintain or lose weight yield opposite results.

Decreased Libido and Sexual Arousal: A decline in sexual desire and arousal occurs even before entering menopause.

It’s important to approach HRT for body composition purposes with caution and seek guidance from healthcare professionals.

Benefits of HRT:

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) for women offers several benefits, especially when partnered with a clinic specializing in HRT.

For Women Advanced in Age:

HRT counters aging symptoms, relieving menopausal women of the bothersome issues mentioned above.

Vaginal Health: HRT can reduce discomfort during sexual intercourse and lower the risk of urinary tract infections by restoring moisture and thickness to vaginal tissues.

Bone Health: By elevating estrogen levels, HRT creates an environment conducive to bone formation, stimulating osteoblasts to preserve bone density.

Cardiovascular Benefits: Initiating HRT at the early stages of menopause may offer cardiovascular advantages, though further clinical research is needed.

For Women Aiming for a Robust Body Build:

Testosterone Introduction: HRT, through the introduction of testosterone, can significantly improve body composition.

Lean Muscle Development: Testosterone assists in building and maintaining lean muscle, reducing fat deposition, and enhancing muscle tone and strength.

Enhanced muscle mass not only strengthens the musculoskeletal system, reducing injury risks and improving posture but also leads to a higher basal metabolic rate (BMR). Benefits include:

  • More energy
  • Sustained weight loss
  • Quality sleep
  • Consistent calorie burn at bedtime

How is HRT Administered to Women?

Oral Tablets

This method involves taking HRT orally. Many find oral tablets convenient, which contributes to their popularity. However, oral administration may pose certain risks, such as blood clots and cardiovascular issues.

Topicals (Gels and Creams)

Topical HRT requires the application of treatment directly onto the skin, allowing hormones to enter the bloodstream. A potential downside is the risk of transferring the medication to others through skin contact.


This method delivers hormones directly into the muscle (intramuscular) or under the skin (subcutaneous). Injections are commonly administered into the buttocks or thighs muscles or as subcutaneous injections in the abdomen. Injections require assistance from healthcare professionals.


Implants involve placing hormone-loaded pellets or capsules under the skin, typically in the lower abdominal wall or buttock area, through a minor surgical procedure. These pellets release hormones gradually over time.


Patches are applied directly to the skin and offer a stable hormone level by bypassing the digestive system. This method is particularly suitable for women with liver issues or a history of blood clots due to reduced liver metabolism.

Does HRT Come with Side Effects?

Like any medical treatment, HRT can have side effects, including breast tenderness, nausea, headaches, bloating, spotting, and an increased risk of blood clots. It’s important to consult a medical expert knowledgeable about HRT for women.

How Can I Get Started with HRT?

The general process for starting HRT for women includes:

  1. Consultation
  2. Evaluation and Diagnosis
  3. Generation of Treatment Plan
  4. Execution of Treatment Plan
  5. Monitoring and Adjustments
  6. Long-term Management

How Long Does HRT for Women Usually Last?

For menopausal women, HRT typically lasts up to 5 years. For women focusing on physical fitness, the duration depends on the desired outcomes.

Is Hormone Replacement Therapy Safe for Older Women?

Older women may undergo HRT, but important considerations include:

Risks: Risks increase with age, including stroke, blood clots, and heart diseases.

Benefits: HRT can alleviate uncomfortable menopausal symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats.

Type of Hormone Therapy: Local vaginal estrogen may be the safest option for older women, helping with urinary issues and UTIs.

Individual Factors: A thorough evaluation of personal risk factors, health status, family history, quality of life needs, and preferences is essential.

What Is the Best Age for Hormone Therapy for Women?

The ideal age range for hormone therapy is between 45 and 55 years.

Can a 72-Year-Old Woman Take HRT?

A 72-year-old woman can consider HRT, but it should be thoroughly discussed with a doctor.

What is the Cost of HRT for Women at PrometheuzHRT?

At PrometheuzHRT, we offer a range of HRT packages for women, including the Sign-Up, Bronze, Silver, and Gold packages. Here’s what each package includes:

Sign-Up Package

Our Sign-Up HRT package is priced at $85/Quarterly and offers:

  • A one-time telehealth consultation with our doctor
  • One-time lab work analysis
  • 24-hour access to our professional support team Additionally, the package comprises Testosterone Cypionate, an Estrogen Blocker, Syringes, Alcohol Swabs, and Shipping.

Bronze Package:

Priced at $155/Quarterly, the Bronze package includes:

  • Physician Televisit
  • Lab Analysis, covering Total Testosterone level, CBC, CMP, Estradiol, PSA
  • The cost to the client is also included in the package 

Silver Package:

Starting at $305/Quarterly, the Silver package offers:

  • Physician Televisit
  • Lab Analysis, encompassing all elements from the Bronze Package plus DHEA, Vitamin B12 – Folate, Lipid with Chol-HDL
  • Client Cost

Gold Package:

Our premium Gold package, priced at $405/Quarterly , provides:

  • Physician Televisit
  • Comprehensive Lab Analysis, conducted four times throughout the year, includes all components from the Bronze and Silver packages, plus Lipid with Chol-HDL, Prolactin – IGF, SHBG, and 4 more targeted tests
  • Client Cost included

Each package is designed to cater to different needs and preferences, offering a comprehensive range of services for optimal hormone replacement therapy


As we have demonstrated, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for women is a multifaceted approach that offers several benefits to menopausal women and those dedicated to physical fitness. Ultimately, the decision to adopt HRT, regardless of the intention, requires individualized assessment, informed discussions, and vigilant monitoring from a team of dedicated experts.

Empowering women with tailored guidance and comprehensive knowledge allows for a more nuanced understanding of HRT’s potential, facilitating an informed choice aligned with individual health goals and well-being. It’s fortunate that this is precisely what we do at PrometheuzHRT.


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