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Hormone Replacement Therapy Assessment

Thank you for contacting Prome Theuz HRT. You've taken the first steps in becoming a happier and healthier you, and we want to help.

Please note that this assessment serves to assist in making a diagnosis but a discussion with one of our doctors will be necessary to confirm your diagnosis and prescribe you treatment for your problem.

HRT Quiz
    Do you have a decrease in libido (sex drive)?
    Do you have a lack of energy?
    Do you have a decrease in strength and/or endurance?
    Have you lost height?
    Have you noticed a decreased 'enjoyment of life?'
    Are you sad and/or grumpy?
    Are your erections less strong?
    Have you noticed a recent deterioration in your ability to play sports?
    Are you falling asleep after dinner?
    Has there been a deterioration in your work performance?